Greetings my waterlogged Northern Californians.
I'm not gonna beat around the bush here: Do this hike now! Go on Thursday if you can, when the local temp is supposed to reach a balmy and bright 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Spring runoff is everywhere, the falls are going wild, wildflowers are just starting to bloom, the forest is a cornucopia of intoxicating scents, and everything is green, green, green.
The Cataract Trail
Mount Tamalpais State Park
Marin County, California
Sunday March 27, 2011
Trailhead: Rock Springs
Distance: 5 miles round trip, which is not the hard part.
Elevation Change (aka The Ouch Factor): 1000'+ straight down and the same back up, which is.
Happy Trails.
Peter J. Palmer
Great stuff, Peter. I think we'll make it over there this Sunday!